ET MALWARE Gamaredon.APT TryCloudFlare Activity

This signature is mostly looking for a delimiter that appears in recent Gamareddon activity to trycloudflare domains (they used similar characters in http URIs in previous campaigns and I don’t think any legitimate user agent has ::/. in it and the trycloudflare should limit it further).

This would require TLS decryption to see the traffic.

alert http $HOME_NET any → $EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:“ET MALWARE Gamaredon.APT TryCloudFlare Activity With User Agent Delimiter”; flow:established,to_server;; content:“”; http.user_agent; content:“|3A 3A|/.”; reference:url,; classtype:trojan-activity; sid:152131; rev:1;)

Kind Regards,
Kevin Ross


Happy New Year @kevross33 !

Thanks for the tip! This rule went out in yesterday’s release as 2058994 - ET MALWARE GammaLoad CnC Activity (GET)


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Thanks @kevross33 @ishaughnessy !