ET Planned EOL for Support of Suricata 4x Rules on September 13th, 2024

Emerging Threats is announcing the discontinuation of the Emerging Threats Pro Suricata 4.0 rulesets on September 13th. The OISF announced their EOL for Suri 4.0 more than 3.5 years ago, but ET continued to support it well past that date. We sent the initial EOL announcement for August of 2023 but ended up extending that for another year to allow for smooth customer transitions.

OISF EOL Policy - Suricata

Please use this period to upgrade your suricata instances and switch your scripts and downloads to the latest Suricata 7.X edition from ET. We will continue to support Suricata 5/6 as well.

Also we hope everyone has had the chance to see our brand new UI for ET Pro and ET Intel customers at Proofpoint: Emerging Threats Intelligence . We encourage you to log in to see the latest threat intel from our Proofpoint Threat Intelligence Services, news and updates on ET, and of course signature information. All of that is available to ET Pro customers. ET Intel customers will continue to get additional telemetry information, access to a rich set of threat APIs, Splunk TA, and of course domain / IP reputation lists.

Thanks to everyone for being such great ET customers.

As always for questions or concerns email