Lumma Stealer Configuration

Hey, I recently noticed the activity of the stealer to load the configuration.
0x20 bytes xor key
AC B7 67 69 C8 D3 1A 3A E9 C4 FB 55 87 6D 49 D9 B7 73 94 69 ED E1 DE A0 0A 51 0E 4F FF CA C5 A9
The analysis was carried out by an analyst from in the sandbox at the following link:

For better coverage, I would like to share the following rule:

alert http any any -> any any (msg: "ET MALWARE [ANY.RUN] Win32/Lumma Stealer Configuration Request Attempt";flow: established, to_server; http.method; content: "POST"; http.uri; content: "/c2conf"; isdataat: !1, relative; http.request_body; content: "lid="; depth: 4;content: "&ver="; distance: 0; isdataat: !5, relative; classtype: command-and-control; reference:md5,9153ac5b623681a7fa845cb4e4f59209; reference:url,; metadata: attack_target Client_Endpoint, deployment Perimeter, former_category MALWARE, signature_severity Major, malware_family lumma,  created_at 2023_06_21; sid: 8000476; rev: 1;)

Best regards, Jane <3

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Thanks @Jane0sint! We’ll get this in today’s release

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 2046637 - ET MALWARE [ANY.RUN] Win32/Lumma Stealer Configuration Request Attempt
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Hi, we have updated Lumma http post and wrote new rules

alert http any any -> any any (msg: "ET MALWARE [ANY.RUN] Win32/Lumma Stealer Check-In";flow: established, to_server; http.method;content: "POST"; http.request_body;content: "act="; depth: 4;content: "&lid="; distance: 0;content: "&j="; distance: 0;content: "&ver="; distance: 0; isdataat: !5, relative; classtype: command-and-control;  reference: md5,884478741e7046e6d0788b63c09df89f;  reference: url,; metadata: attack_target Client_Endpoint, deployment Perimeter, former_category MALWARE, signature_severity Major, malware_family Lumma,  created_at 2023_09_15; sid: 1; rev: 1;)

This is the general rule for check-in. Now I’ll write for exfiltration

alert http any any -> any any (msg: "ET MALWARE [ANY.RUN] Win32/Lumma Stealer Exfiltration";flow: established, to_server; http.method;content: "POST"; http.request_body;content: "Content-Disposition: form-data|3b 20|name=|22|act|22 0d 0a 0d 0a|send_message|0d 0a|--"; content: "Content-Disposition: form-data|3b 20|name=|22|hwid|22 0d 0a 0d 0a|"; content: "Content-Disposition: form-data|3b 20|name=|22|lid|22 0d 0a 0d 0a|"; content: "Content-Disposition: form-data|3b 20|name=|22|file|22 3b|"; threshold:type limit, seconds 30, count 1, track by_dst; classtype: command-and-control;reference: md5,884478741e7046e6d0788b63c09df89f;reference: url,;metadata: attack_target Client_Endpoint, deployment Perimeter, former_category MALWARE, signature_severity Major, malware_family Lumma,  created_at 2023_09_15;sid: 2; rev: 1;)

I didn’t write any extra rules, We’ll keep an eye on further changes. Thanks @g0njxa!
Best regards, Jane

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Is it okay that I didn’t start a new topic? @ishaughnessy

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yep, no problem! I’m taking a look now :eyes:


Here are the sids for these, have a great weekend!

2048093 - ET MALWARE [ANY.RUN] Win32/Lumma Stealer Check-In
2048094 - ET MALWARE [ANY.RUN] Win32/Lumma Stealer Exfiltration

Lumma Stealer now implements SSL certificates to exfill over HTTPS.

Some recent example
Analysis Malicious activity - Interactive analysis ANY.RUN

Currently no detection… Time to write new rules, happy Xmas!

Thanks! We will see about getting something out today on this.


The decrypted traffic for the sample you shared and some others we found still hit on existing Lumma sigs, one was a ET PRO sig that we moved to the Open set today.

2049836 - ET MALWARE Lumma Stealer Related Activity (previously 2855505)

The following are the new sigs that went out based on the sample you shared and others that were found poking arounnd.

2049838 - ET MALWARE Observed Lumma Stealer Related Domain (agedelayglacierwe .pw in TLS SNI)
2049839 - ET MALWARE Lumma Stealer Related Domain in DNS Lookup (agedelayglacierwe .pw)
2049842 - ET MALWARE Lumma Stealer Related Domain in DNS Lookup (chincenterblandwka .pw)
2049843 - ET MALWARE Observed Lumma Stealer Related Domain (chincenterblandwka .pw in TLS SNI)
2049844 - ET MALWARE Lumma Stealer Related Domain in DNS Lookup (neighborhoodfeelsa .fun)
2049845 - ET MALWARE Observed Lumma Stealer Related Domain (neighborhoodfeelsa .fun in TLS SNI)

We also added INFO sigs for the URI shortening service from the run you shared.

2049840 - ET INFO URI Shortening Service Domain in DNS Lookup (cli .re)
2049841 - ET INFO Observed URI Shortening Service Domain (cli .re in TLS SNI)

Thanks again, much appreciated!


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Hi, can I please add a link to this discussion to the rules 2046637 2048093 2048094?
Sorry I’ll have to send this message to all my threads :pray:

These signature updates will go out today, thanks Jane!


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