Empty rules with ET Pro Telemetry Opnsense

Hello: I am running OPNsense 25.1.2 with suricata 7.0.8_2. I installed the ET Pro Telemetry plugin and input my token. When I selected and downloaded the rules I found that some of the rulesets were empty ( Et/compromised, Et/drop, and Et/dshield for sure. I can’t remember if there were any others. I tried to redownload the rules and remove and reinstall the ET Pro Telemetry plugin but those rules remained empty. Has anyone else had this problem and is there a fix for this.

Same issue here.
OPNsense with ETPro-Telemetry and some ruleset are empty.
Seems that the issue starts (for me) 2-3 weeks ago.
The empty ruleset appear in this way:


and nothing else.

You can also check my post on OPNsense forum.

Yes. I read your post on the opnsense forum and replied to it. I checked after reading your post and found the same. I had never seen that before when I was using ETPro Telemetry. I’m surprised that nobody else has chimed in on this.

Greetings all - we’ll take a look here. These open source rules are created programmatically from outside sources. We’re investigating.

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Thanks for the reply. Will be awaiting your response when you have more information.