Opnsense suricata rule update for ET Telemetry

I’m running opnsense 24.7.3 & have been using ET Telemetry Pro for about 4 months.

I’m seeing various errors like

2024-09-09T06:00:02 Error send_heartbeat.py unexpected result from https://opnsense.emergingthreats.net/api/v1/telemetry (http_code 502)

2024-09-09T00:00:02 Error rule-updater.py download failed for https://opnsense.emergingthreats.net/api/v1/ruleset/engine/suricata/5 (http_code: 502)

2024-09-09T00:00:01 Error rule-updater.py download failed for https://opnsense.emergingthreats.net/api/v1/ruleset/version (http_code: 502)

These have been happening since 2024-09-04 and occur daily.

No network issues I"m aware of
I have an et_telemetry.token

Could the token be expired? Any tips as to what to check?

Hey @planetf1 - thanks for joining The Community!

Which log file are you seeing the errors in? I just got a new install setup today and not seeing anything similar to what you’ve shared.

I think the first thing to check is the validity of your token. Going off the docs it looks like the easiest way to check the health of your subscription is to add a widget to the dashboard.

Here are the instructions on how to get the widget added:

  1. Go to the dashboard Lobby ‣ Dashboard
  2. Click on “Add widget” in the top right corner, click “Telemetry status” in the list
  3. Close dialog and click “Save settings” on the right top of the dashboard
  4. Open Lobby ‣ Dashboard again to refresh the content

Here is a screenshot of what my status looks like. Let me know what your telemetry status is and we can go from there :+1:

Screenshot 2024-09-09 at 1.44.13 PM

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Thanks for the reply!

Looks fairly good, yet in System->Log Files->General (Warning) I still see entries like:

These repeat each night, hence the uncertainty about whether it’s actually updating properly…

The last rule download was prior to the error, but isn’t too hold, which suggests it might be intermittent. Here’s a lot with more detail:

[Date](javascript:void(0):wink: [Severity](javascript:void(0):wink: [Process](javascript:void(0):wink: [Line](javascript:void(0):wink:
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-worm.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-web_specific_apps.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-web_server.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-web_client.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-voip.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-user_agents.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-tftp.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-telnet.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-sql.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-snmp.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-smtp.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-shellcode.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-scan.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-scada.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-rpc.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-pop3.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-policy.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-phishing.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-p2p.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-netbios.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-mobile_malware.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-misc.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-malware.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-ja3.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-info.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-inappropriate.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-imap.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-icmp_info.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-icmp.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-hunting.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-games.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-ftp.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-exploit_kit.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-exploit.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-dos.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-dns.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-deleted.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-current_events.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-coinminer.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-chat.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-botcc_portgrouped.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-attack_response.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-adware_pup.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-activex.rules, same version
2024-09-10T00:00:11 Notice rule-updater.py version response for https://opnsense.emergingthreats.net/api/v1/ruleset/version : {“ruleset”: “opnsense-rules.tar.gz”, “version”: “10683”}
2024-09-10T00:00:07 Notice rule-updater.py download completed for https://opnsense.emergingthreats.net/api/v1/ruleset/engine/suricata/5
2024-09-10T00:00:01 Error rule-updater.py download failed for https://opnsense.emergingthreats.net/api/v1/ruleset/version (http_code: 502)
2024-09-09T06:00:02 Error send_heartbeat.py unexpected result from https://opnsense.emergingthreats.net/api/v1/telemetry (http_code 502)
2024-09-09T00:00:06 Notice rule-updater.py download skipped emerging-worm. Rules, same version

Thanks for sharing the detailed information! I initially installed OPNSense on a local VM which wasn’t running all night so I haven’t seen any errors on my end.

I installed a new instance in a cloud provider which checks for updates hourly so I’ll let that run for the next day and report back what I’m seeing in my logs.

I have the same issue, and the message appears very frequently and at irregular intervals since September 9 at 9:00 AM.
My FW is working perfectly, my IPS as well, I have no network issues, and my token is still valid.


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thanks for sharing @Mika4D - we’re looking at it now

I’m getting this same error every hour for the past 3 days :
Error send_heartbeat.py unexpected result from https://opnsense.emergingthreats.net/api/v1/telemetry (http_code 500).
The ET telemetry ruleset is stuck on date 2024/10/19, due to :
rule-updater.py: download failed for https://opnsense.emergingthreats.net/api/v1/ruleset/version (http_code: 500)
rule-updater.py: download failed for https://opnsense.emergingthreats.net/api/v1/ruleset/engine/suricata/5 (http_code: 500)
Can you check your api endpoint as my token was still valid ?

Similar here. The issues have returned.

Same here:

<13>1 2024-10-22T17:53:03+02:00 OPNsense.local send_telemetry.py 13912 - [meta sequenceId="60"] telemetry data collected 936 records in 1.18 seconds @2024-10-22 15:50:04.403484
<11>1 2024-10-22T17:53:14+02:00 OPNsense.local send_telemetry.py 13912 - [meta sequenceId="61"] unexpected result from https://opnsense.emergingthreats.net/api/v1/event (http_code 500)
<13>1 2024-10-22T17:54:02+02:00 OPNsense.local send_telemetry.py 75914 - [meta sequenceId="62"] telemetry data collected 923 records in 1.24 seconds @2024-10-22 15:50:04.403484
<11>1 2024-10-22T17:54:43+02:00 OPNsense.local send_telemetry.py 75914 - [meta sequenceId="63"] unexpected result from https://opnsense.emergingthreats.net/api/v1/event (http_code 500)
<13>1 2024-10-22T17:55:02+02:00 OPNsense.local send_telemetry.py 6082 - [meta sequenceId="64"] telemetry data collected 923 records in 0.84 seconds @2024-10-22 15:50:04.403484
<11>1 2024-10-22T17:55:25+02:00 OPNsense.local send_telemetry.py 6082 - [meta sequenceId="65"] unexpected result from https://opnsense.emergingthreats.net/api/v1/event (http_code 500)
<13>1 2024-10-22T17:56:01+02:00 OPNsense.local send_telemetry.py 56105 - [meta sequenceId="66"] telemetry data collected 925 records in 0.60 seconds @2024-10-22 15:55:04.406770

…and so on and on…

Kind regards,

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Problem looks to be fixed now : heartbeat working again and ruleset just updated to v10724

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Thanks for letting us know, this should be resolved now! Please let me know if you start seeing issues again. :+1:

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Same here.
The Widget shows nothing:

Posted the issue in the OPNSense-Forum, but no answer:

/sensor_info.py shows:


Same problem here :
ET Telemetry token systematically expires after less than a week time.
For at least the past month, I need to generate a new ET telemetry token once a week because the current one goes into Disabled state despite hearbeats and events being sent as per suricata logs and sensor_info.py :


I don’t understand the logic of having a sensor gone to disabled state since the 14th Jan while the last heartbeat was sent on 15th Jan.

Either the ET telemetry plugin doesn’t send heartbeats to the ET server or the ET server doesn’t process the heartbeats properly, expiring the tokens after 5 days.

Greetings - we’re making a modification to the sensor disable code - this should be completed early this week. Once completed we’ll notify here. Apologies for the disruptions.

@planetf1 @guenti_r @Kornelius777

@planetf1 @guenti_r @Kornelius777

We’ve modified the token code to re-enable sensors which had been disabled in this period as well as open up the window that’s examined to determine whether a sensor is still sending us data or not. Again, apologies for the disruption. We’ll get some documentation out clarifying our position on telemetry reception and periodicy soon.

Since the last fix and with an active token, the ruleset has not been updated. Every day, it shows version 10841

|2025-01-28T07:47:04|Notice|rule-updater.py|version response for https://opnsense.emergingthreats.net/api/v1/ruleset/version : {"ruleset": "opnsense-rules.tar.gz", "version": "10841"}||
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
|2025-01-27T07:47:03|Notice|rule-updater.py|version response for https://opnsense.emergingthreats.net/api/v1/ruleset/version : {"ruleset": "opnsense-rules.tar.gz", "version": "10841"}||
|2025-01-26T07:47:03|Notice|rule-updater.py|version response for https://opnsense.emergingthreats.net/api/v1/ruleset/version : {"ruleset": "opnsense-rules.tar.gz", "version": "10841"}||
|2025-01-25T07:47:03|Notice|rule-updater.py|version response for https://opnsense.emergingthreats.net/api/v1/ruleset/version : {"ruleset": "opnsense-rules.tar.gz", "version": "10841"}||
|2025-01-24T07:47:04|Notice|rule-updater.py|version response for https://opnsense.emergingthreats.net/api/v1/ruleset/version : {"ruleset": "opnsense-rules.tar.gz", "version": "10841"}||
|2025-01-23T07:47:04|Notice|rule-updater.py|version response for https://opnsense.emergingthreats.net/api/v1/ruleset/version : {"ruleset": "opnsense-rules.tar.gz", "version": "10841"}|

The last etpro rule has sid 2859731 which also matches version 10841

Odd - the latest ruleset version is 10846. Can you share your details with us at support[at]emergingthreats.net?

I sent details to the support email and got no response so far.
I’ve tried with a brand new token but the telemetry ruleset is still stuck on version 10841 as opposed to open ruleset that updates properly every day.
Over the past 5 months, the telemetry endpoint encountered 4 problems. While most were heartbeat related, stuck/lagging ruleset already happened in the past. I expect these same problems to happen again in the coming months unless some monitoring is put in place.

Hi @robby , it’s possible even opening up the event receiving state window to 90 days has still rendered your sensor as disabled. Can you let us know in the support case what your sensor is showing for its status values? (I’ve also responded to the case)