How do I resolve these issues? The started appearing several weeks ago. The issue related to the OneLouderHeader flowbit issue started occurring within the past 2 weeks.
00|Warning|suricata|[101447] – flowbit ‘ET.OneLouderHeader’ is checked but not set. Checked in 2019103 and 0 other sigs||
|2024-12-09T06:01:02-05:00|Warning|suricata|[101447] – flowbit ‘et.http.PK’ is checked but not set. Checked in 2019835 and 1 other sigs||
|2024-12-09T06:01:02-05:00|Warning|suricata|[101447] – flowbit ‘et.MCOFF’ is checked but not set. Checked in 2019|
Greetings! We’re currently working on a process that includes rules that set the flowbits for included rules into the curation process we have on the backend which chooses the rules which are included on ETPRO Telemetry Edition.