Rule failed

Downloaded emerging rules from Proofpoint Emerging Threats Rules

The following rule is found in updated on 2024_06_21 .

alert tcp $HOME_NET any → $EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:“ET TROJAN [ANY.RUN] NjRat (tXRAT v.2.3R) Client Sends Check-in Packet”; flow:established,to_server;
content:“tXInfoClient|7c|”; offset:3; depth:20; fast_pattern; pcre:“/^\d{2,4}\x00/”; byte_jump:0,0,string,dec; isdataat:!2,relative;
reference:md5,917d3bcc7cbe4668fa22b8bc2f0a4092; reference:url,;reference:url,; classtype:trojan-activity; sid:2053792; rev:1; metadata:affected_product Windows_XP_Vista_7_8_10_Server_32_64_Bit, attack_target Client_Endpoint, tls_state plaintext, created_at 2024_06_21, deployment Perimeter, malware_family njrat, confidence High, signature_severity Critical, tag RAT,
updated_at 2024_06_21;)

This rule generates error while running test in my Linux Desktop
command : snort -Tc snort.conf

ERROR: trojan.rules(35015): byte_jump can’t process more than 10 bytes!
Fatal Error, Quitting…

I verified the change logs and the following added rule cause error.

2053792 - ET TROJAN [ANY.RUN] NjRat (tXRAT v.2.3R) Client Sends Check-in Packet (emerging-trojan.rules)

Looking for suitable suggestion as to why this is throwing error in my system.

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Hi @EMTUser!

Thanks for reaching out! This error is caused by older versions of snort which are not able to handle more current rule logic. We recently released a list of our supported snort engines here which I’d recommend reviewing if you are running older than snort-2.9.13 to avoid similar errors in the future.

I’ve updated this rule so that it should work with older versions but please let me know if you have issues after today’s release and we can try to figure out a solution.


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Thanks @EMTUser @ishaughnessy !

Thanks @ishaughnessy

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